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Willow's Quest Reiki,
Energetic Healing.

Release, Re-align, and Thrive


Meet Willow

Energetic healing is something I've been practicing since childhood without understanding it was an actual healing practice. I would give backrubs while pushing energy through my hands, attune my internal energy to calm and peace before comforting friends in distress, I've experienced prophetic dreams, and have been speaking with those beyond the veil since childhood. This all led me to some pretty interesting situations and places throughout my life but the experiences I've gone through have allowed me to have understanding and an ability to hold empathetic space for those in need. 


I found the healing practice of Reiki during the beginning of the pandemic in 2019. At that point, everything started to come together and I dove in head first. Just nine short months later I became a certified and attuned Mikao Usui Reiki Master practitioner and have been practicing ever since. 


My passion in my practice is helping others transform by overcoming fears, removing emotional and traumatic blockages, and 'stuck' energy to come back into balance. I spiritually guide my clients so they can overcome their blocks, tap into their higher selves, and achieve their dreams in this lifetime. This allows for healing learned/subconscious thought patterns to grow exponentially through joy and love instead of fear and pain. 


In addition, Reiki healing is amazing for all types of ailments including, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, trauma, emotional blockages, removing energetic attachments, helping to remove brain fog, and realigning with your centered self. 


I use my knowledge of Reiki, Pranic Energy Healing, Sedir, and Chi Gong, along with my intuition, and channeling abilities to guide my clients in this sacred healing practice. Encouraging movement in a positive direction to face and overcome the challenges on your path in a heart-centered and fully soul-aligned way.


Overcome your blockages and live the life you dream of! 

If this sounds like the healing you need in your life book your session now to see what Reiki can do for you!

Book an Appointment

If you're interested in working one-on-one, click below to start that process! 

Reiki Therapy

What Is
Mikao Usui

Mikao Usui Style Reiki originated in Japan in the early 1920s and became the predominant Reiki Style. However, Reiki Healing and Reiki Energy are understood to have been around and utilized for centuries before this particular style was developed.

Reiki Energy helps to promote healing from stress, anxiety, depression, emotional turmoil, emotional trauma, physical aches and pains, and much more.  

My Specializations

Spiritual Guidance

Relief From Anxiety and Depression

Chakra Alignment

Releasing Trauma

Connect To Your Intuition

Grounding Your Energy

Remove Blockages

Pain Relief


Stay Aligned

Chakra Alignment Chart PDF download!


Learn what each chakra center represents and how the chakras affect your emotional well-being when out of alignment.  

Get Your Free Chakra Alignment PDF Download Now!

Click here to download

What Client's Say

“You are magical, I'm so glad you're a new friend in my universe. Thank you for your work, your energy is incredibly powerful and healing.”

- Trish


"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"

Yung Pueblo

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